Education in the form of lifelong learning is the centerpiece of discipleship at BMC, because it is the hallmark of the Jewish and therefore Messianic way of life. As Abraham Joshua Heschel rightly stated: "It is wrong to define education as preparation for life. Learning is life, a supreme experience of living, a climax of existence . . . the school is a sanctuary, and study is a form of worship."
Lifelong Learning

BMC provides a full continuum of engaging and thought- provoking lifelong learning opportunities across the life cycle from babies to bubbies. These opportunities range from the most elementary to the advanced depending upon where a person is in their development.
Babies to Bubbies
BMC labors diligently for Jewish preservation and protection from assimilation by fortifying Jewish identity, culture, traditions, and values for its Jewish members. That said, BMC is a community of Jewish persons who embrace Yeshua as Messiah together with Gentile Yeshua-followers from diverse backgrounds.
BMC aims for the ideal Jewish education as described by Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin, which is concerned with the total person of the child. The goal is to influence the child's character, shape their values, and fashion their way of life. Messianic Jewish education at BMC seeks to instill a deep sense of identity, self-worth, significance, and strength in the LORD and His Messiah Yeshua, and imbue the child with wisdom to become self-disciplined, responsible, and well-equipped for good works. BMC agrees that this is achieved only when home, religious school, synagogue, and total environment strategically interact to prepare a child to take their place in the world. To this end, all of the lifelong learning opportunities at BMC are part of a single, holistic, generation to generation approach, in which every component builds on and reinforces the other.
Education of the Whole Child
Children of Jewish-Gentile Homes
BMC is the synagogue of choice for Jewish-Gentile couples who seek to preserve their own identities in Messiah. Such a community of Jews as Jews, and Gentiles as Gentiles, one in Messiah, provides a glimpse of the future unity G-d has for Israel and the nations in the Olam HaBa.